

listen chen

journey to the end of the night 4

like smoke-maddened rats

like a man

like thunder

like me

like liquor

journey to the end of the night 5

like me

like the pepper in a good sauce

journey to the end of the night 6

we, the befogged wounded

swallowing nails

as a rat

beautiful glasses

after a long dive

a can of meat?


ten pounds of turds on the Fourteenth of July

You are young!

battle sausage

Long live Diderot!

episcopal money boxes

these sublime truths

A ham

A hysterical bitch

the red plush sofas

grope for our happiness

killing or adoring,

or both together

mercantile aims



her rapacious instincts

the rich live together

all the rest is shit & misery

famous pastry

repugnant cumulative disharmony

portrait of ourselves

there is to it

my big head

stank of a whole past

all women

an artist in that line

an art of ugliness

free love

animal terror

waiting for my angel


little preferences

sonatas and adagios

the Argentine colony

took me for a pimp

listen chen lives in Vancouver and mucks around with words. Louis-Ferdinand CĂ©line died in 1961 and was probably a coward.

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