

Natalie Chin and Stacey Teague

while we wait on this side of the water from natalie chin on Vimeo.

Stacey Teague is 24 and is from Auckland. Natalie Chin is 21 and is from Singapore. They met in September 2012 after the two of them moved to England and they are putting their poetry together in a chapbook titled "while we wait on this side of the water" (July 2013). 


Ashley Opheim

"The Nature Of Light Is To Grow and Expand" by Ashley Opheim

Ashley Opheim has been published in Thought Catalog, Pop Serial, Illuminati Girl Gang, Weijia Quarterly, Shabby Doll House, amongst others. She edits literature for Metatron, writes a literary blog for The Rover, and operates the reading series This Is Happening Whether You Like It Or Not with Guillaume Morissette. She has three e-novellas published online: How To Be a Rainbow, Aura Halo and oh, inverted universe. She lives in Montreal, Quebec where she is pursuing a magical, free existence.



Monica Wendel and Kate Shults

"Brain Science" words written and read by Monica Wendel, Video by Kate Shults.
Monica Wendel is the author of No Apocalypse. She was the writer in residence at the Jack Kerouac Project of Orlando, Florida.


Adam Robinson

"Six Mile Creek" by Adam Robinson.
Adam Robinson runs Publishing Genius.


Gabby Gabby

Just Be Famous from Gabby Gabby on Vimeo.

Gabby Bess has work appearing in [PANK] Magazine, 3AM Magazine, The Scrambler, Two Serious Ladies, Thought Catalog and various other publications. She is the author of Alone With Other People, forthcoming July 2013 via Civil Coping Mechanisms. 


Zachery Wood

universe from Zachery Wood on Vimeo.

Zachery Wood does mostly video related things in NYC. Please add him on Facebook and in your prayers.


Mark Cugini

"Triumph" by Mark Cugini

Some mornings, Mark Cugini wakes up and thinks to himself, "I'm the hottest poet in the game right now." Follow him on Twitter.


Austin Islam

"A Tumblr Note" by Austin Islam

Austin Islam can be found when the sun cannot. His writing is sometimes quippy, sometimes pensive, sometimes self-indugent and melodramatic. In fact, he owns a t-shirt (self-screened) which reads "you can't spell melodrama without 'emo'". You can find him in corners of the internet such as Shabby Doll House, Moire Mag, Meat Confetti, Sadcore Dadwave, and Have U Seen My Whale. He also exists as a meme:



Theo Thimo

"" by Theo Thimo

Theo Thimo lives in Worcester, MA and is 18 years old.


Amelia Gillis

"Let Me Fix My Head" by Amelia Gillis

Amelia Gillis studies theater in Detroit and hangs out at The Mall.


Carolyn DeCarlo and Jackson Nieuwland

Live Walmart Baby from Carolyn DeCarlo and Jackson Nieuwland on Vimeo.

Live Walmart baby, I love you.
I love your legs, and I love your west,
and I love the perfect curve at shore
of your feeling in my hand,
and I like your black sleek color,
and I like the way you feel my uterus.

All I do is live for being my brain
I don't like it one bit.
You are speaking in such a nasal voice
and I think maybe me, maybe you're entertaining me
but maybe maybe I'll just tell your voice to sound
like by, because we spend every waking minute
of every waking dead,
every sleeping minutes for a sleeping die
in the same-- I meant to say in bed,
talking to each other, and you of hairs on your face
that I just keep pulling them out.

The thing is withholding longer now,
and my voice is the nasal.
So my navel is Henry
and I hear your loads.
Sometimes I have his on my face, in you,
trying to take them off
but they connected to my face that you pull the better.

Do you like that one off?
Do you like my face?
Do you like my voice?
Do you like by toes in your b***?

I love everything about you
so you should be nice to me.
Nice nice doggy,
don't you think of my dog?
Will I look like one song?
Just going to stay in.
Carolyn DeCarlo likes witches. Jackson Nieuwland likes unicorns. They live in New Zealand, where they edit UP Literature and work at a primary school together. They have written an ebook, Twilight Zone. This talk poem is part of their next collection.


Sarah Swan

"An Inclination" by Sarah Swan
Sarah Swan has recently moved back to Ohio. She is debating learning how to swim. She would like to thank Eddie Olschansky for his help with the video.


John Mortara

 poem (after everything) from John Mortara

John Mortara was transported to an alternate dimension. He spent his entire life trying to figure out what was different about the new dimension. He died unsatisfied. It was just like this dimension.


Stephen Michael McDowell

...'hi this poem is called 'i like space poems' and also you, a lot by Stephen Michael McDowell

stephen michael mcdowell (b. 1988) is also known as buttercup and curates:


Jeannette Gomes

"Effigy" by Jeannette Gomes
Sky Deer is Jeannette Gomes. She's the daughter of the ocean and lives inside a lake in a city of wild onions. She is the co-editor of Love Symbol Press, Co-Curator of the Poetry Made of Diamonds Reading Series, Assitant Editor at Artifice Magazine.



Spencer Madsen

'Literary Video' by Spencer Madsen.
Spencer Madsen frowns at babies.


Adam J. Kurtz

WISH YOU WERE HERE from Adam J. Kurtz on Vimeo.

This video by Adam J. Kurtz video explores the ideas of coincidence, low-budget sentimentality of everyday spaces (ghosts of people you once knew in a place are a real thing, trust me), ubiquitous emotions and small moments. He stands on the corner of a Brooklyn street in the middle of the day to tell you how he feels, and then you feel things in return.

Adam J. Kurtz is a boring stupid jerk that nobody cares about. He claims to be a “graphic artist and media designer,” which could really mean anything. Some people also think he is a blogger, but who isn't? He wrote this myself... wait, fuck.


Jamiee Shim

Food Poems from Jamiee Shim on Vimeo.

I created a stop motion animation with collage and cut pieces of paper based on poems I write about food. The poems are three words and loosely follow the Oulipo constraints of univocalism. The animations are made in response to the poems and are experiments that explore ideas like the relationships between characters, color theory, and the connection between image and sound.

Jamiee Shim is a sophomore year undergraduate General Fine Arts student at the Maryland Institute College of Art.


DJ Berndt

The Whole Place is Dark - Nick Sturm from DJ Berndt on Vimeo.

DJ Berndt is some kid living in Pennsylvania. He made a website called PANGUR BAN PARTY. He has an ebook forthcoming from HOUSEFIRE. He looks better in real life.


Jacob Steinberg

Pilgrimage (Southern Weft)

I never cared about Thanksgiving
until it was November in Argentina

And Buenos Aires
was but an expanse
of bus exhaust
and dense cab fleets
in which I consistently choked
but never managed to leave.

It was plazas and peddlers
and wild fantasies
Of being mugged in my doorway,
Slowly stripped of my adherence
to oh but so many beliefs.
Until enough days had passed.
And I had nothing left.

And as my days grew many in that Southern weft
of asphalt
& emotions,
left complex to die,

I never got rid of the MetroCard
kept in my pocket,
in case when I lowered those tiled steps,
one day, I’d find myself
-oh what a life; so subitaneous!-
underneath Union Square,
awaiting the 6.

As the city around me gradually dissolved,
I never lost hope
that return was imminent.

An eternal boiling, somewhere deep in my blood.

[It was


to come back

to the surface.]
מפני האהבה
הגדולה שאינה
מתגלה זולת
ע"י הגלות
“For great love is
revealed only by exile”

(Don’t you think I’ve paid my dues?
Haven’t I suffered enough?)

There is a tradition in Israel
that when you land
you should kiss the ground 
because everystep there is holy

now New York is Jerusalem
and returning is a rite

Every outing,
a pilgrimage by night

Wonders that are fresh
to my now-foreign eyes,

but something
still insists:

A part of     .
me  .
never left

…there is
so subtle
about the
way the
asphalt hits
my feet.

A murmured joy
to this yearned

How even
the Earth
is so charged
with fervor.

And I can’t help but cry and repeat amen each day
(For no matter how diligent they were in their courting,
Penelope waited, still weaving away.)

Jacob Steinberg remains enmeshed. Maybe some day he will leave.


Paige Elizabeth Gresty

Paige Elizabeth Gresty is a 23-year-old filmmaker and writer living in London. She has two ebooks: Every September Since 2005 and Imaginary Conversations With Myself. She has been published in have u seen my whale, HOUSEFIRE, and on Internet Poetry, and her work has been reviewed by Dennis Cooper, Beach Sloth, I Am Alt Lit, and Banango Street.