from Long Term Raisin
the entire act is its punctuation
you too.
a fantasy in the mention.
obvious gold
do not delete
sorry I missed you
I know that there are kids
because I have been to an aquarium
our tractionless interactions
if you’ve never been endorsed
you are in poor taste
I didn’t complain I reported
beer, you know
stay for the practice
Poem's Score: 0.228603174603
Ryan Walker lives in DC. Most Thursdays he goes to the Black Squirrel, which is a bar in Adams Morgan. His favorite place to see a reading is DC Arts Center, which is also in Adams Morgan. Otherwise he's rarely in Adams Morgan. He has a fast metabolism and mixed feelings.
JULY GENIUSFor July 2013, Everyday Genius is pleased to present poems that were rated below 0.4 on the "Poetry Assessor"—a tool that "is designed to determine whether a poem has the characteristics of a professional poem, or, alternatively, an amateur poem.
We publish the poems here, with their scores, not to confirm the Assessor's judgment, but to allow human readers to decide for themselves.