i spent all night playing a video game
where i was a virus trying to
constantly mutate myself
so as to infect and kill everyone
on the planet
i named myself “matthew's revenge”
but then changed it to “matthew's death”
it was fun
if you want the best pee of your life
drink fruit punch vitamin water
but not during a long drive
because there is nowhere to pee
unless you stop the car
which you won't want to do
because you spent all that time
earning your position on the road
life is dumb
poem for the metermaid
metermaid! i see you walking there
leave my car alone! it is raining
leave the street, leave me alone in it
i have things to do! i'm trying to do things
metermaid, your ticket pad is getting wet
and aren't you embarrassed to be seen
with that bright blue umbrella?
metermaid! where are you going?
there's nothing for you on that street
Matthew Savoca's new novel, I Don't Know I Said will be released tomorrow.