

Shanna Compton


Let us creep apart from them.
Let us be eternal cynics who despise
things like polo and expatriate accents.
Except, I will continue to say dishabille
as scantily as I envision it, whatever rules
we make, alluding again and again
to the porcelain lamp I flick on and off
in my elliptical dream. Let us welcome
the wounding of our structures, their division
into parcels of turned-away desire.
Then let us take down all the fences,
position the floodlights to capture
the glory of the dark procession
as our creatures stumble free.

Shanna Compton's newest book is Brink (December, 2012). Her poetry collections include Down Spooky, For Girls, and The Seam (forthcoming 2013), as well as several chapbooks. Work has recently appeared in the Academy of American Poets Flow app, Poetry Daily, Horse Less Review, and on buses in Atlanta, GA via Emory University’s Poetry in Motion program.

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