

Tina Brown Celona


Some moments take on significance
because of when they occur
For example the last minutes
and the first ones;
I’ve never been worse at goodbyes.
You’ll have to tell me
if you’ve read this before.
Writing a poem to you
is like having imaginary sex
even when the poem is about something else
I’m glad you’re happy.
Even when I have a lot to do
you’re on my mind.
Where is the lie? in the poem
or in behavior. If they were
just stage-plays I wanted to believe them.
Being away from you
is harder now. I guess
anything can be a poem
but reality requires cooperation.
If I seem obsessed with the apple tree
it’s only because I can’t believe
how many blossoms are on it.
In love you count on every word.
It is impossible not to be ordinary
if you are ordinary
but you can pretend.
you ride away, I know better than
to let you know what it means to me,
when I don’t know myself.

Tina Brown Celona is completing a Ph.D. in English at the University of Denver. She has published two collections of poetry with Fence Books, The Real Moon of Poetry and Other Poems (2002) and Snip Snip! (2006). Recently, Tina’s poems have appeared in Action, Yes, Saltgrass, and Harp & Altar.

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