

Rozalia Jovanovic: Manual for a Productive Everyday Life, Appendix

For the past week, I've been posting the results of a project that involved 24 artists, writers and musicians. I sent them each a postcard with a simple task, and each in turn did his or her task, wrote about it on the postcard and returned the postcard to me. Some contributors painted on them, others punched holes in them or explained how to do something like give "Important Instructions for Closing the Facility," and still others took the opportunity to just get rid of stuff like a 40-day old banana on a living room floor. Find out who did what below, or by returning to the page where the names are listed along with the postcards.

Following are the names of all the contributors to my weeklong project organized by day, and in the order in which they appeared, along with their noms de guerre, for those who supplied them:

Day 1
Andrea Kleine -- Trophy Hostage
Joanna Neborsky
Luca Dipierro
Jeff Lewis

Day 2
Simen Johan
Kara Lee Corthron -- Lady Eyjafjallajokull
Shane Jones -- Martin B. Lucas
Monica Ferrell -- Fatima Bohr
Andrew Bulger -- Captain

Day 3
Giancarlo Ditrapano
Joel Whitney
Khaela Maricich -- Paige Claiborne
Jason Diamond -- Guy MacKaye
Zibuokle Martinaityte -- Fleur

Day 4
Franziska Lamprecht & Hajoe Moderegger -- eteam
Hajoe Moderegger & Franziska Lamprecht -- eteam
Justin Taylor
Saša Stanišić -- Tizian
Thomas Doyle -- Banks Holiday

Day 5
Tao Lin -- 'hi'
Leni Zumas
Deb Olin Unferth -- John Hinde
David McLendon -- Unanimous Anonymous


Briefly, the purposes of the project include:

1) The fulfillment of the postcard's intended purpose, so that each postcard could be taken out of limbo and made useful;
2) Use of the card to engender in the contributor a sense of productiveness;
3) The accumulation of traces;

Unintended consequences: The implication of the process of mailing by the content of the card, such as Jeff Lewis's card. To quote Jeff: "I'd hoped it was just "questionable" enough to not be censored by the post office but in reality highly "questionable" upon closer inspection!" And some contributors fulfilled two tasks at once. Like Giancarlo Ditrapano, whose card could have easily been slipped in among the "questionable content" cards.

Thank you to all who participated for entertaining my whims and for being timely and engaged in the process. And thank you to Adam Robinson for asking me to take part in this special month and for making it happen.

-Rozalia Jovanovic