Sara Meets A Duck
And Evil Duck I
Say low and she
Brags of migratory
Travel plans
Trips to Rio etc
And laughs so
Scandalously people
Coming out from
The bank stare at
Us and a girl
Drops her ice-
Cream cone and a woman
Smears their lipstick
And a man spins
His head around in
The sun once and I
Run my tongue
Over my bottom
Lip and Evil Duck
I whisper
And she shows her duck
Tongue and quacks
And I go ahead
And meet
A man in the
Sun who’s Just spun
His head around
And I ask
Him for his pen
And he looks
Down my blouse
And I hear
Duck Laaaaauuugh
Away off
Behind me in the sun
And the man
Shouts something
At my chest
And he gives me
His pen
But I’m not listening
And I snatch
The pen and I
Turn hard on
My heel
And I shout loudly
In my head
Evil Duck and I shout
Evil Duck
And duck quuuuuaaaaaaacks
And laaaaaaauuuughs
Joel Griffith plays guitar and sings in the superhero rock band, Dean Trinity. He lives in Baltimore, MD.
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